Princess Cindy and Mistress Jane – 2 cuddly toys under 2 asses

There are two stuffed animals lying there that nobody here really needs. Mistress Jane and Princess Cindy want to some fun by flattening and disposing of them under their asses. In their extremely short denim hot pants, Princess Cindy and Mistress Jane sit on the two cuddly toys and squash them beneath them. They move around and squeeze them really hard! But it takes a while for the cuddly toys to be properly destroyed, which is why the two friends put a lot of weight on their little bodies and flatten them further with butt drops!

Princess Cindy and Mistress Jane - 2 cuddly toys under 2 asses

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Boss Girls Productions at Yoogirls

4 Cars Crushed Under 3 Pairs Of Shoes

Sophie destroys a F1 car beneath her black patent high heel shoes, this girl steps on it and stomps it to pieces, now wearing her Mary Jane heels she now steps on a truck she also stomps that to pieces, then she crushes another truck under her black flats then she wears her favourite black high heel shoes to crush the last remaining truck.

4 Cars Crushed Under 3 Pairs Of Shoes

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Sophie 41 at Yezzclips

Toy Car Crush

Watch me destroy your favorite toy cars with my delicate feet. Watch how my sweet feet transform into a machine of destruction! I enjoy wearing different type of shoes to destroy your cars and turn them into thousands pieces of plastic! Do you wanna see how i completely ended them? I was using a hammer to finish them up and they ended in my trash can, where they belong!!

Toy Car Crush

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Lady Shay at Yezzclips

2 Model Cars Crushed Under Sophies Boots

Sophie is wearing her hard ankle boots and steps on 2 large plastic models cars she steps on them lots of times using the balls of her feet and her heels to crush them, she has to use al of her body weight when stepping on them eventually they give way to her weight where they are crushed to pieces.

2 Model Cars Crushed Under Sophies Boots

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Sophie’s Girls at Yoogirls