Goddess Mila receives a nice present by mail from one of her fans. This small bmw has a story. It was his childhood dream and a present he had from so many years. Now that he is older, while cleaning the house, he found some of his most precious collectible toys and memories so in order to tribute goddess Mila, she sends her a couple of his most unique cars.Goddess Mila thinks she is receiving a nice present from her slave but when she opens the box, it is full of toysBest part is that there is a small letter in which this young man wants to pay her for crushing his favorite childhood toysShe agrees to it only if he tribute her good.Otherwise she will dump them into the garbage. The man agrees and tributes her, now that she has his attention she will crush them.Goddess Mila walks through the forest. She likes to wear these sneakers often and with blue jeans because it is comfortable. when she comes back…The man tells her she will not be able to crush the toys since they are metal and her sneaker are soft….Big mistakeNever question a true goddess power. One by one, the toys are laid on the floor and she starts to stomp and grind them with her sneakers.So hard that they start to break apart easily….sequel follows
Tag: Jeans
No chance to escape
Just because this is a little cuddly toy doesnt stop Lady Amy from treating him the same way she treats her slaves. Take a good look, because YOU are her next butt crush victim! She places the monkey beneath her jeans ass. Then she sits down on his little body with her full weight. She makes him completely flat under her! He has no chance to defend himself against this mean lady and is at her mercy. Lady Amy keeps this monkey in captivity and can do whatever she wants with him. Once you fall into the clutches of Lady Amy, you cant get away from her and will suffer the same fate as this monkey! Flattened and crushed under her ass!
Now its crushing time!
Oh, no! Oh, no! Whats she gonna do with that cuddly toy? Lady Cindy is holding it tenderly in her arms, but then everything changes! She put the puppy on the sofa and swings her leg over it. The cuddly toy gets crushed flat under the sexy jeans ass of Cruchlady Cindy! So fast from cuddling to crushing! She loves it when everything is flattened under her butt, so be glad youre not nearby. Or would being crushed flat by her be awesome?!
Tiny creatures are sat flat!
Your favourite fantasy is to be as small and tiny as this creature here. Mistress Anfisa plays with your thoughts and fantasies and shows you how she places her sexy denim ass on your little body. Now you cant even defend yourself and youre stuck! With her gigantic hot ass Mistress Anfisa crushes you completely. She is so huge and you are so small! You love her huge jeans ass and you love to be flattened by it. Come and experience it now!
Crushed under her ass cheeks
Hiding doesnt work with Lady Amy! This stupid monkey will now learn his lesson and have to suffer. Lady Amy sits down with her jeans ass on his small, puny body and crushes him beneath her! She doesnt like monkeys so take good care of yourself To her YOU are just such a stupid monkey – and her next victim! How does the stupid monkey under Lady Amys ass feel? Anxious…? Destroyed…? Thats exactly how it has to be!
Cuddling of a different kind
Its cuddling time for the little rabbit! However Mistress Anfisa has her own idea of what cuddling is and sits down with her ass on the small rabbit body! She flattens him under her jeans ass pulls his tail. She loves to cuddle the little animal this way and destroy it at the same time. Do you want to cuddle with Mistress Anfisa too…?
Car crush – destruction under ass and boots
What a cute little toy car… This yellow dump truck wont survive the coming procedure! Mistress Zora will crush it because she destroys everything she wants to! With her jeans ass she sits down on the vehicle. It cracks and creaks under her sexy ass, but the vehicle simply does not want to break. Mistress Zora really puts herself to the test and tries with all her might to destroy the toy car under her sexy jeans ass. The loading area breaks off from the rest of the vehicle and falls down. It cant go on like this! Mistress Zora loses her patience and throws the loading area on the floor. Now she tramples wildly on the small parts and destroys everything! Her boots are brutal and crush even the most stubborn part among them. Then all parts go back on the stool, because mistress Zora is still far from finished with her car crush…
Bunny beneath my ass
I wanna teach this little bunny fear. Therefore I sit down on it with my hot jeansass and pull its floppy ears that dangle between my sexy legs. My white jeans are brutally honest and destructive, so they squeeze the plush bunny until its flat, while you are allowed to watch my hot butt – nice side effect, isnt it? 😉 I think it wont take much longer to completely destroy this toy, so enjoy every second you get. Cause white jeans are so damn scarce to find. Its even more scarce to find such a hott butt like mine clothed in white jeans! Just take a look and assure yourself ;-).
Amber let the balloons burst!
If you like the squeezing sound of balloons which are almost bursting then you have to see this clip with Buttcrush girl Amber! She puts one balloon after another under her ass and let them explode with her awesome jeans ass! She is soo hot – especially her butt! But even the sounds she produces with her fingers when she rubs at the balloon are breath stunning! So dont wait any longer and watch her playing and destroying all the balloons!
Rubber Destruction
In this tight jeans and beauty sneakers looks the crushing really good! But big with air filled balloon animals can be hard to handle ! Be live in this session if they loose more and more air under the soles of the lady! The lady sweats but goes home as a winner!