I crush chocolates, cookies and co. I imagine that you shit Loser lying on the floor in front of me.
Sock Snack
What could possibly be more disgusting and humiliating than being demanded to lick the bottoms of a sweaty sock? Well, if some gooey crushed banana is added to the menu! Sounds charming, isnt it? Its Dorothys unlucky time to experience what its like to lick some unappetizing goo off a pair of stinky socks!
The Crush-Match
Off to testicle-hell – including infernal pain. I crush until the slavepig on the floor before me squeaks. Just for my fun of it. First with my divine and gorgeous feet then with my new Frye boots. These boots have a nice angular tread which make a lasting impression on the loser beneath me. Finally you see the compulsive kicks in the middle. I have devilish fun in doing some things over and over again. Next victim, please!!!
0033 – Ambulance under Saskias sneakers (WMV, FULL HD, 1920×1080 Pixel)
Saskia wants to use her worn-out white sneakers to destroy this ugly ambulance toy car. First she steps on it carefully and tests how its handling the massive pressure from above, but then she starts literally stomping it and destroys it easily. In the end there are only small pieces left of it – scattered all over the floor.
Easel 1
Two young woman join a painteress and try to help her. All three wear Nike Air Max sneakers.
Jane on model car 2
A pretty girl steps on a model car and crushes it under her feet.
Construction vehicles flattened under my car
I just got back from a run and find my car surrounded by little construction cars. Perfect to have some fun after the exhausting exercise! Lets see how long they can withstand the massive weight of my car and the grinding of my tires! I quickly drive over them a few times, then take my time to grind each one into the ground completely! In the end you cant even recognize them anymore – just a pile of metal and plastic trash!
Crushing small dwarfswith grey boots
Oh look at this: two small dwarfs made out of pottery in my kitchen. First, I talk to them and ask why they are here and that they have to leave my kitchen. Unfortunately, they dont move. So, I decide to crush them to get rid of them
Jane on model car 1
Jane is wearing her patent Nike Air 1 sneakers when she finds one model car and tries to stand on it.
Crushing the sturdy blender under boots
A fan challenged me to crush this very sturdy old blender – will my sexy boots be able to defeat the quality kitchen tool? Of course, they will! Mercilessly I stomp on the poor thing again and again and break off more and more little pieces with each stomp. I slowly take it apart more and more until theres only the engine block and a bunch of plastic and metal scraps left! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you contact me at marissa@madamemarissa.com!