Crushing the slaves precious humidor

Ive found the key to the slaves humidor – a perfect opportunity to torture the loser. I place the humidor on the ground, unlock it and take out some of the cigars – then simply crush them under my boot soles! Then its time to take care of the expensive humidor itself – first I step on the glass cover and crush it under my sexy heels – then I take apart the inside completely! I wont tell the slave about it … Ill just cleanup the mess and just put the key on his pillow … this will be a nice surprise for him 😀

Crushing the slaves precious humidor

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Madame Marissa store at Yoogirls

Crushing your beloved cassettes

Oh, you kept these cassettes from the 90s as a memory? Too bad theyre going to get crushed under my sexy leather boots today! One after another is crushed by the thin heels and my powerful steps – until theres just a pile of plastic waste left! This was a custom video for a fan – and the cassettes in this clip were provided by him. If you want a custom video as well, send me your fantasy by e-mail to

Crushing your beloved cassettes

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Madame Marissa store at Yoogirls

The first & last photo with the new Samsung S5

So … I got your package with the Samsung S5 – brand new and still factory-sealed. I unpack it and put in the battery, start it up and play around a little. I take a photo of my sexy high heels with it – the first and last photo ever taken with this brand new 500 Euro phone! I put it on the floor next to my hot high heels and try to use the apps with my heels – but unfortunately that doesnt work – maybe I need to put a little more pressure on it? I walk over it a few times – but this phone is really durable – not a single scratch from the hard and sharp heels! But of course Ill get it crushed! I start to jump and stomp on it and finally the display gives in and the glass breaks! After that I take apart the phone completely, bend it under my shoes until it breaks in two parts. In the end I even crush the earphones, cables and box – before I throw it all into the trash bin!This was a custom video for a fan – and the phone in this clip was provided by him. If you want a custom video as well, send me your fantasy by e-mail to

The first & last photo with the new Samsung S5

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Madame Marissa store at Yoogirls

Jenny wants to destroy today!

Today this tiny city will be destroyed completely because Jenny doesnt like such small villages…! And you have the great opportunity to watch her! Look her starting and sitting down with her ass at the high seat! Can you hear those ugly sounds…? Im sure you can – but this is just the beginning! She wont stop destroying the city with her jeans ass until each building is crushed!!

Jenny wants to destroy today!

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Boss Girls Productions store at Yoogirls