Your tiny model houses under my Doc Marten boots

Oh, so you build some more of these tiny model houses? Im not sure if it was a good idea to leave them here, out in the open, for me to find 😀 Should I test out if you build them strong and if they can endure some pressure? Let me put them on the ground, put my foot on top and apply some pressure … but wait … maybe thats a bad idea … I dont want to hurt my feet when your little houses break … I got a better idea! Look at the brutal soles of my Doc Martens … theyll surely protect my feet well from any broken plastic! I dont think your model houses will be able to stand these heavy boots and my full body weight for long, what do you think? Lets see whats going to happen to them! One after another gets completely destroyed under my powerful boots … I think the next ones, you should build stronger! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to!

Your tiny model houses under my Doc Marten boots

Download the clip now!!

Madame Marissa at Yoogirls