Do you see what weve here? Yes, all your little beloved plushies! Dont you think youre too old to play with these stupid plushies?! Dont worry, Lady Nora and I are going to help you get rid of them – but theres only one use for them we could really come up with … and thats why theyre lying here on the doormat and why we brought so many different dirty shoes! Well trample all over your plushies with our dirty shoe soles and use them to clean the soles of our heels and boots. Does it hurt you to see us crushing your beloved plushies so carelessly? Yes, for us, theyre just shoe cleaning rags – and once were done with them and theyre completely covered in dirt, well throw them into the trash where they belong!
Author: admin
Crushing Grapes Beneath My Feet
Here I have a bunch of grapes and place a few into the bowl and crush them beneath my bare feet whilst sitting on the couch, I keep adding grapes to the bowl and crush them beneath my feet then I add the rest of the grapes and stand up crushing them beneath my full body weight as they form into a massive liquid and pulp.
Essex Girl Heels Squishing
Ever wondered what it would be like to be under my needle Essex girl white High heels? Well if you think it would be easy think again!Watch as i demonstrate their destructive power on a variety of different fruits – blackberries, grapes, orange and finally a lovely cucumber (very cock shaped) Each one stands absolutely no chance under my heels or soles and watch as my pretty feet squish, smush & crush each fruit.This video is shot from several angles and I have added a few slow-mo clips to each fruit just to experience each crushing burst in more juicy detail.Hope you enjoy and think carefully before you lay yourself and your delicate bits at my white high heeled sandals!
Sneakergirly Sophia – Jeep Crush
Pear Crushing Beneath My Bare Feet
Here Im sitting on the couch and crush a few pears in a bowl placed on the floor, I turn these pears into a juicy pulp and there is a lot of pulp and juice caused by my crushing feet
Walking By The Sea
Here I am walking by the sea shoes in hand the soft warm sand on my bare feet I also step in the sea and crush some shells on the way, its a nice day for a stroll.
Stepping On Shells On The Beach In My Flip Flops
Im on the beach walking and cant avoid the sea shells when walking Im wearing my summer dress and flip flops and you hear and see them crunch under my flip flops, its a nice day for a stroll and i dont care what ends up beneath my feet nothing is gonna spoil this walk for me.
Queen Hanna and Mistress Jane – Flat is always good!
Today these two cuddly toys are the victims of Mistress Jane and Queen Hanna. The friends want to check whether they are still so cuddly under their nylon asses and simply sit on them! Mistress Jane puts all her weight on the cuddly toy bunny and Queen Hanna takes on the woofy one. They try out all the positions and make them both flatter and flatter, because flat is always good!
Garlic Crusher
Our girl is wearing her sexy lingerie with fishnet tight and high heel shoes, she steps on 3 bulbs of garlic crushing them and then the cloves inside the compact mass, she does a great job wearing her high heel shoes.
Crushing is fun 1 & 2
The young Goddess Kiara likes to crush different stuff under her shoes and boots. She always wants to make her shoes sticky and dirty before coming home. The poor slave has to clean them with his tongue. Enjoy!This clip includes part 1 and 2.